About us
Coalpit Heath Football Club is a FA Chartered Standard Development Club starting from the ages 4-6 in Soccertots and various teams from u7s to U16s.
CRB and FA approved coaches are at all sessions. The coaches work on the technical and tactical aspects of the game as well as the style of play.
The u7s to u11s play in the Hanham Minor League and the u12s to u16s play in the Avon Youth League.
Playing on the Manor since 1901
Coalpit Heath Football Club in its present form was reformed in 1990 by two local mums with sons at the Manor School. The objective being to give local boys a game of football.
Acceptance was made in to the Bristol Junior League playing games on a Saturday afternoon at the Manor School playing field.
A club committee was formed & sponsorship obtained from companies and individuals in respect of a kit, footballs, goals etc. Many fund raising activities were organised, such as car boot sales, raffles, together with a players verses Dads cricket match followed by a cheese & wine evening held in Local public house ‘The Ring O Bells’ with Bristol Rovers players in attendance.
The club have managed to trace their roots back to 1901 with a team photograph in front of the Manor Hall but the club are looking for more information & photographs to help build on the clubs origins.